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per quanti come me un pò digiunelli di micologia ... ma grandi curiosoni

Alfredo parla di questo picoclo ascomicete che riporto in foto




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Ciao a tutti




Pino, i will try to do more and better microscopy of the gills.


I'm starting to understand what I should look when i'm working with the microscope. I dont have the imersion oil yet so the results are not good.


Micro del filo della lamella (per verificare la presenza di cheilocistidi) - i wil try do it.


eventualmente la loro misura

la misura delle spore - i dont know yet hot to measure the spores. I think i should calibrate the microscope with the software... but i'm not sure. :skull:

I have this question also... wich is the better software for microscopy?

i have capture pro and scope photo. Both have one tool to measurements wich is configurable... does anyone knows those?

And i think i must use use one grafic pattern to use as a reference, is it true?


verifica della presenza di caulocistidi sul gambo - what is this? caulocistidi? :bye2:



The small fungus on the pine needle... i haven't noticed that. Thanks.


Sorry and thank you all for killing my ignorance :hug2:



Para os que percebem portugês aqui vai...


Vou tentar fazer a microscopia das arestas das laminas o melhor possivel, apesar de não ter anda recebido o oleo de imersão e as imagen não ficarem boas.


A cheilocistidia sei o que é e vou tentar fotografar, mas não sei como ver a caulocistidia.


Tenho várias perguntas a fazer se me puderem ajudar... :yes:

Para ter a medida exacta dos esporos como devo fazer?

Apenas tenho a possibilidade de medir com o software... mas como devo configurar a ferramenta de medida? devo usar algum padrao grafico para referencia?

Qual é o melhor software para microscopia?

Eu tenho o Capture Pro e o Scope Photo... alguêm conhece ou usa?


Desculpem e se puderem ajudem a matar a minha ignorância. :hug2:


Obrigado a todos


Ciao a tutti


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Ciao Rui

Same answer:



Micro del filo della lamella (per verificare la presenza di cheilocistidi) - i wil try do it.


eventualmente la loro misura


la misura delle spore –


i dont know yet hot to measure the spores. I think i should calibrate the microscope with the software... but i'm not sure.

I have this question also... wich is the better software for microscopy?

i have capture pro and scope photo. Both have one tool to measurements wich is configurable... does anyone knows those?

And i think i must use use one grafic pattern to use as a reference, is it true?


Sorry I don’t know that kind of microscopy. ( mi dispiace ma non conosco il microscopio che hai descritto )


verifica della presenza di caulocistidi sul gambo - what is this? caulocistidi?


Caulocistidia are something like cheilocistidia, generally whith a thyn external face, you can find them from:

only the top of the stipe or fro the middle to the top or in all parts of the stem.


( I caulicistidi assomigliano ai cheilocistidi, generalmente hanno la parete esterna sottile, li puoi trovare:

nella parte superiore del gambo, oppure dalla metà in su oppure in tutto il gambo )



P.S. is possible also that you don’t find anything in the stipe.

( P:S: è possible che non ci siano in tutto il gambo. )

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ciao Pino


Grazie. :derisive:


i dont know yet hot to measure the spores. I think i should calibrate the microscope with the software... but i'm not sure.

I have this question also... wich is the better software for microscopy?

i have capture pro and scope photo. Both have one tool to measurements wich is configurable... does anyone knows those?

And i think i must use use one grafic pattern to use as a reference, is it true?


Sorry I don’t know that kind of microscopy. ( mi dispiace ma non conosco il microscopio che hai descritto )


My microscope it is a standart optical trinocular. I did not make a description of microscpe but some questions on software... and about the way to measure the spores. But there is no problem... i will find it somewhere else.


(google translation) - Il mio microscopio è un trinocular ottico dello standart. Non ho fatto una descrizione di microscpe ma alcune domande su software... e circa il senso misurare le spore. Ma non ci è problema... che lo troverò in qualche luogo altro


And about cheilocistidi and caulocistidi, i will try to find it.

thanks!! :biggrin:



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