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Tutti i contenuti di istitutrice

  1. ciao amici, my words ... 1/ maybe - Psathyrella , maybe Psathyrella hydrophylla 2/ sure - Russula sardonia 3/ yes, sure , Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca 4/ yes, Lyophyllum, maybe Lyophyllum fumosum Istitutrice
  2. Halo friends, excuse me, I mean, it could be Tubaria hiemalis. Ciao gli amici, lo scusano, io significano, questo potrebbero essere Tubaria hiemalis. istitutrice
  3. Dear Olly, The most of your pictures are the nicest photos, I have seen the last period. Absolute, pure beauty ! But 'have notes to your determinare:: post97 is not Gyromitra esculenta , 99% but G. gigas post105 is not Hypholoma fasciculare , but H. sublateritium for 99% next, uncertainty in determinare: /50%/ post34+35 ? B.calopus , probably some Xerocomus sp. for post52 ? B.satanas , maybe some nearly related specie post137 ? Macrolepiota procera , maybe another , post138 ? maybe rhacodes anyway, if they are procera, they are not typical pieces. Sorry, as I do not speak/understand Italian, I did not read your notes - comments to your nice pictures, this is my opinion only, reading Latin names. Saluto, Istitutrice
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